
Touch off Sensor Upgrade

Our mill, an MDA Precision bench top, was purchased with an invaluable upgrade, a touch off sensor. It increases the accuracy of milling and makes a huge difference in the time needed to get a final products. However, when we wanted to upgrade our work holding for the mill, we realized that the original holder/clamp for the sensor took a sizable chunk of the work area and would block use of some of the new fixtures. We decided to redesign the sensor’s base on the work table to more efficiently use the space. There were several iterations of the design but the final holder uses least space any of the designs. Each prototype was printed by our Form Labs SLA machine.

The first version of the sensor mount didn’t warrant a photo so we will skip to the second version. While the second mount is much smaller, it still takes up quite a bit of room on the table.


Second version of the mount

The final version of the mount is significantly smaller and more compact – a much more elegant solution than the others. This version keeps the sensor in the range of the spindle is out of the way of most of the fixtures being used on the mill.  


Final sensor mounn

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